Tollcross Primary School

Supporting every child to become a confident lifelong learner.

Transition Nursery to Primary One

Tollcross Primary have close links with Lochrin Nursery and other nursery partnership providers. Tollcross Staff visit nurseries sending pupils to our school, to meet pupils before they come to Tollcross. We have a school induction day for new pupils and parents in June. Click the link below to view the powerpoint shown at our P1 Induction Day

P1 Induction Day Powerpoint

Pupils from Lochrin nursery are invited to events at Tollcross and come along to our school assemblies in the third term. Nursery Staff often come to work with Primary One pupils once they have started school to help support transition.

3 thoughts on “Transition Nursery to Primary One

  1. Good morning,

    I hope this message finds you very well. We’ve just moved to Edinburgh, at Grindlay Street and we would like to know how should we proceed to introduce our daughter at the Tollcross primary school. Her birthday date is 19/12/2012, her name is Flora da Rocha Calegari, she is a very smart child and full of energy. My phone number is 07469602679. Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your reply. Best regards.

    • Hello, I will pass your enquiry on to our school office and they will contact you on the mobile number provided.

    • Hello,
      Would be delighted to welcome you and your family to our School. Please come in with your daughter to have a look and enrole her. You can pop in or call to make an appointment to come in. Our school phone number is 229 7828 . We look forward to seeing you.
      Lynn Brand
      Deputy Headteacher

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